Introduced to electric guitar at a young age, I have always been fascinated by how much the instrument’s sound could be modified by different amplifiers and pedals. Little did I know this would eventually lead me down the electrical engineering rabbithole. Now I work as a Nuclear System Designer full time but I still have the itch to program on my spare time, especially now with all the AI tools available to speed up the process.
To prevent myself from checking my phone more frequently than I probably should in volitile investments, I created a low-power e-ink display to show me my watchlist.
>> github repoFrustrated with the availability of emulators on iOS, I set out to create a handheld capable of playing whatever games I wanted from the Atari era to the Nintendo DS. After modeling the body and buttons to 3D print, wiring all the inputs and programming the microcontroller, I thought to myself, “Wow this is a lot of work just to play some Super Mario Bros."
>> photos from design processCars simply don’t have enough ways to communicate. Honks sound rude and turn signals are limited to left and right. With this design, show other drivers anything you want on a 16x16 LED grid! Someone let you merge? Show some love with a heart. Get cut off? The possibilities are endless.
>> github repoInspired by some of the world's best, this pedal was created to mimic the sounds of Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Eric Johnson. After plugging in, it's obvious why the pedal dominated the 60's and 70's. It sounds great and requires few electrical components — what else could you ask for?
>> hear with pedalIn the world of super legitimate low liquidity crypto tokens, investing first is frequently more important than investing smart. Using telegram, this tool gave an edge by finding mentions of new ponzis popping up on the Ethereum network. python / mysql / grafana / docker
>> github repo